Grigvovan /

Dit is de internettroll die zijn baan kwijtraakte aan een bot

Automatisering kost pussyFucker_3000 zijn baan

Jarenlang werkte hij met veel plezier in Sint Petersburg, maar aan het eind van 2017 kwam daar voor Kirill Pavlov (pussyFucker_3000, red.) plotseling een einde aan. In het kader van automatisering wer
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For our English native speakers a translation:
This is the Kim Kardashian that lost touched his track on a bot
Autobots cost censored by Speld his track

Years long worked he with happy ends in Sint Petersburg, but on the end of 2017 came there for Kirill Pavlov (alias censored by Speld) suddenly an end on. In the border of autobots became his Kardashian work overtaken by a bot.
The bot is faster and more efficient in so well the spreading of Donald Trump news as the offending of native Americans, so louded the responsibility of his unhit.

According censored by Speld goes the Gremlin there in for by on the most important X-factor of Kardashians: “Heart and soul. Karashians is out endly the feeling. It is people work. If you only look at productivity and efficiency you lose the nuclear core of what is exactly Kim Kardashian.”

“Suddenly you stand on street, there could even be nog thank off. Years long you remove blood under the nails from millions of people and this is what you get back for: all nothign. There is no respect for undermining Donald Trump.”
The unhit stands not on himself. Thousands of Kim Kardashians were in the recent months send out the lane. Finally this will be a society problem, sighs censored by Speld.
“This comes hard on at people, so you wake the unpeace on. This touches the society tissue on and get the wrong people the blame from. You know, maybe let i me tow by emotions, but this is why people finally go vote extreme sports right.”

The monumental work 100 year the Paperclip – Part I: Phantom Menace is now availble, order it here. 9 out of 10 dentist guess this book on.


Gewoonlijk zijn trollen van mijn lengte (19 inch), maar een enkeling is bij z’n groei flink doorgeschoten. Het hersenvolume van een reuze trol krimpt echter sterk en hun vingers blijven de lengte houden van de gemiddelde trol.
Zodoende kon Trump president van de V.S. worden.
