Russia announces World Cup 2018 hosting cities

Opening match will be played in Warsaw

The opening match of the FIFA World Cup 2018 will be played in Warsaw. The final is scheduled four weeks later in Kiev. This was announced yesterday by the Russian Football Union. The other world cup
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I am offended by this map. It is a wish for Russia to “own” all of Europe and as an Estonian I find it offensive to see and read this!


По мнению эксперта Л.Щаранского,это случится гораздо раньше- в 2015 году.
Так что финны не ссыте, присоединим мы вас, и эх,заживем!
И почему это не указано присоединение Германии и Франции? Срочно исправить


As Russian I would disagree to your map as don’t want to spend so much on changing of street signs. Aloso Polish-Lithuanina commonwelf always tries to make a riots.


“well, its bad, but there is nothing we are willing to do about it, plus Russia has historical grivencies and we have to deal with it with understanding” – German Chancellor commented


This “satire” is made by peopels witch army is made of bike riders.An army of bikers witch language was made by a drunk english sailor who wanted to speak german.Nice joke ….Romania has nothing in common with russia .Our language is based on latin …we used and use arabic writing …we were never part of the soviet union. Ah yeah…and we were’n conquered by by any army in 1 day like you were ..remember 10 may 1940? Holland was conquered by nazis in 1 day :)).So before offending 80 mil peopels (polish, finish, ukrainian,romanian) with your map try to look at your country made of gay’s junkies and bike raiders. Your army is so big that i can conquer Holland in 2 days togehter with 10 friends


Russia is too corrupt to join the EU, they would never make the changes required. Like for instant invading other countries as a pretense to save “Russian Speakers”.


You missed Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and all of the former Yugoslav
Pretty stupid trollthing, masked as ‘satire’.


You don’t understand. It will be The Great Moldavia as a part of Russian Empire. 🙂


Question : What are the neighboring countries of Russia ?

Answer : Whatever Russia wants its neighbours to be !


What a great humor!! Hahaha ! Oh you dutch almighty dutch western journalists ! When my grandparents were fighting this barbars u were hiding ur ugly faces under the bed! Greetings from Romania, part of China! PS i heard that dutch are actually the ugly part of Germany! Peace!


Can’t believe how many people do not have any sense of humour. This article is a joke. Yet. Google the word ‘satire’, please!!


The map is obviously a joke. The journalism is also becoming a joke. This article is nothing but an attempt to start a discussion based on emotion.

Alexei, Australia


145cm? holy shit, that’s a long dick. you must have missed comma as in “14,5cm”. but how do you know that anyway?


I wonder from where this map came (picture source), because official FIFA website and also wikipedia uses correct map (Russia is Russia, European countries are European countries, everything is on its correct place)

Try google search with picture – no russian websites are returned 😉 so no offences



Also, Romania, Poland, Moldavia and most of Ukraine are not part of Russia… Or this would be the map of the region by 2018. Hope not!


Ana, maybe we should try to fix Russian borders according to this map… 🙂 But I think that some people would disagree. Also, there is only 4 years left… we may fail to end all the work in time. 🙂


to Mikko

you have stopped no one, my friend, the great military mind of XX century Carl Gustaf Mannerheim did. What you should not forget is that he was raised and schooled in the Russian Empire.


Actually, Mannerheim have not stopped the Red Army, either.
But he minimized the losses, both human and territoral, especially in 1944, having an agreement wit USSSR.


wow! so Mannerheim was like dr.xavier with his special mind. imo the people who were forced to actually fight the war and lose their lives stopped the russians, not some highborn poopypants.


In case no one has reacted yet to your interesting map including Finland to Russia, please take a note and correct it as soon as possible before it spreads out too wide.


Kari Hartikainen
Helsinki, Finland


Hi Kari, I believe you’ve missed the point of this map. Or are you jealous about Helsinki not beeing in the list of other “traditionally” russian host cities like Tallinn, Bucharest and Warsaw.

To agree with Kari, I have to say that we’ve stopped Soviets already once on the border. So in that sense, map should be fixed.

Mikko, Helsinki